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Inference of Aerosol and Land use Interactions from Remote Sensing Data (AerosolLand)



Dr. Thomas Jarmer, Dr. Sascha Klonus

Project partner: Dr. David Broday, Yael Etzion (Technion - Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Remote  sensing  methodologies  provide  means  for  monitoring  spatial  and  temporal
patterns  of  ambient  aerosol  properties  that  are  relevant  to  air  pollution  and  health
hazards.   In   particular,   acquisition   of   hyperspectral   data   allows   for   better
discrimination  between  physical  and  chemical  characteristics  of  aerosols  in  the
atmosphere. We have developed a procedure for ground level hyperspectral imaging
of horizontal/oblique ambient air columns that records spectral response to aerosols
in  the  open  path.  This  procedure  enables  the  retrieval  of  concentrations  of  several
mixed fine aerosol modes (smaller than 2.5 μm) over urban scale open paths (~1km).
Since retrieval of aerosol size resolved concentrations from observed spectra is an
inherently  ill  posed  problem,  we  propose  to  combine  into  the  process  spatial
information on land use and land cover, in order to constrain the solution. Data from
various remote sensing platforms (ground hyperspectral measurements and satellite
data)  will  be  acquired  over  open  paths  in  the  study  region  in  Israel,  which  is
characterized  by  heterogeneous  land  use/land  cover  patterns.  Satellite  data  will  be
cross-calibrated  by  field  measurements.  Different  land  use/  land  cover  parameters
will be analyzed in order to understand their effects on the aerosol size distribution
parameters.  Comparison  of  results  obtained  under  different  land  uses  and  land
covers will be used to study how future land use changes may affect the aerosol size
distribution and concentration, and may point out which land cover modifications can
modify  the  aerosol  size  distribution  and  help  in  reducing  public  health  risks.  We
expect  that  land  cover/land  use  information  will  improve  the  aerosol  retrieval  from
hyperspectral data.
Duration: 01.03.2012 - 28.02.2015

Niedersachsen Israeli Research Cooperation Program

